Confederation Handwiki

(Spoiler Warning)

The text below mentions events occured after 2611 and/or contains information relevant to the plot of the trilogy. Proceed at your own risk!

  • –5 000 000 000 Ly-cilph start travelling.
  •   –650 000 000 Ly-cilph arrive at Milky Way.
  •           –211 Laymil mass-suicide; the Ruin Ring is formed.
  •            100 Kiint visit Earth in secret and start training observers.
  •            600 Tracy Dean is born.(≟) (tNG:2)
  •            800 Tyrathca settle on Mastrit PJ.

18th cent.

19th cent.

20th cent.

21st cent.

22nd cent.

23rd cent.

24th cent.

25th cent.

26th cent.

27th cent.

Planned events

(as of 2611; many probably did not took place as planned after the end of the Possession Crisis)

  • 2630 Murora expected to be fully grown.


(≟) Approximate date.
